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Beachguide » Hosta (North Uist)
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Hosta (North Uist)

Sandy cove backed by dunes and edged by rocks
Submitted by:
18th May 2004
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Photo of Hosta (North Uist) beach -
 Hosta (North Uist)
 by: justal
Photo of Hosta (North Uist) beach -
 Hosta (North Uist)
 by: justal
Photo of Hosta (North Uist) beach -
 Hosta (North Uist)
 by: justal
Photo of Hosta (North Uist) beach -
 Hosta (North Uist)
 by: justal

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Hosta is a white sandy beach backed by sand dunes, and edged with rocks. A small stream runs out onto the beach from Loch Hosta at the NW end of the beach.

There are actually two beaches here. Traigh stir which has a large car park behind it and the more inaccessible Traigh Bheireal. Both can hold some huge waves and facing NW are probably the most consistent spots on North Uist for surf. The rocks at either ends have waves breaking over them, and there are usually some beachbreak peaks in the middle of the bays too.

There is a pretty cool blowhole up on the cliffs to the SW of the beaches and the surounding cliffs and rocky coastline provide plenty of scope for exploration.

Loch Hosta is also Ok for windsurfing in winds in a SE direction, clockwise to NW. Its nothing special though and there are much better places nearby.

There are no real facilities here, but camping in the dunes is nice and there is plenty of room for parking. Hosta os also the location for the Uist Highland Games in the summer.
Sports Suitability
Surfing starstarstar
Surf Conditions at Hosta (North Uist) can be Excellent
Buggying thumns_down
Buggying Conditions at Hosta (North Uist) are Not Good
Windsurfing Conditions at Hosta (North Uist) are Unknown
Kitesurfing Conditions at Hosta (North Uist) are Unknown
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Hosta (North Uist) Kitesurfing at Hosta (North Uist)
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE

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